

Hi! My name is Laura and I am an artist/illustrator from Lithuania, currently living in Glasgow, Scotland.

I like spending time in nature, sleeping a lot (I'm always tired!), traveling, reading, eating sweet treats, painting, playing guitar, writing paper letters, cycling, collecting shoes and stationery, film photography, growing plants and dying my hair unusual colours.

Always Tired is my little project to keep myself motivated and share what I love to do. After I finished art school in my hometown, I studied computer games art which was very different and out of my comfort zone. Always Tired IS my comfort zone where I share my illustrations and creations that bring joy to others and make you smile :) I like to experiment with art and its processes so you can expect the unexpected!

I offer leather jacket and bag customisations too, for that or a collab (or if you'd just like to talk) please get in touch by email [email protected] or fill out the contact form. I'd love to hear from you!